Commands Manual
1. /login

This command is used to verify your operator identity, the login details should be set on the chat room web settings at website uner "Settings" link. Setting a username and password for the operator will grant you the use of many of the advanced control features such as: /kick /ban

/login <username> <password>

/login admin qwerty123
2. /logout

This command is used to log out as an operator.

3. /away

This command is used to change your status from Online to Away, this could be done also from the chat room GUI.

4. /online

This command is used to change your status back from Away mode, this could be done also from the chat room GUI.

5. /names

This command is used to show an output on the nick names chatting at the moment.

6. /help

This command is used to show an output of all the commands available.

7. /quit

This command is used to quit the chat room.

8. /kick

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to kick out users from the chat room, user that has been kicked Will have the ability to return back to the chat room, it is commonly used as a matter of warning.

/kick <nickname> [message]

/kick spammer01
/kick spammer01 please stop spamming
9. /kickban

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to kick out a user and ban him from using the chat room again This ban is permanently and works to block the banned user"s IP adress.

/kickban <nickname> [message]

/kickban spammer01
/kickban spammer01 you were banned because you didnt stop spamming
10. /ban

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used ban a user or a group of users from using the chat room again by number of criteria: User(s) may be banned by either option or by all together: Nick name (will not be able to login on that nick name), UID (will not be able to login with his UID), IP Address (will not be able to connect with his IP Address) and Hostname (will not be able to connect with his hostname)

/ban <-n nickname | -u uid | -i ip_address | -h hostname>

/ban -n abuser94
/ban -i
11. /banlist

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to view the banned users list at the moment.

12. /unban

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to un ban a user that was banned from using the chat room.

/unban <-n nickname | -u uid | -i ip_address | -h hostname>

/unban -n abuser94
/ban -i
13. /unbanall

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to clear the list of all the banned users by any criteria and allow all the banned users to reconnect to the chat room.

14. /whois

This command is used to show an output of a user connection data as: IP Address, Hostname, UID, AGENT (Operating system type), Availability (Idle or Away time) and additional information if the user has shared using the /mm command.

/whois <nickname>

/whois abuser94
15. /ping

This command is used to show an output of user"s connection speed in miliseconds between two users.

/ping <nickname>

/ping abuser94
16. /nick

This command is used to change your nick name in the chat room without quitting the chat.

/nick <nickname>

/nick mynewnick
17. /op

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to grant permission (op) rights for a specific user in the chat room. Please notice: Once a user has been given with op rights he is capable of using all the operator features without exception!

/op <nickname>

/op abuser94
18. /deop

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to void permission (op) rights for an operator in the chat room.

/deop <nickname>

/deop abuser94
19. /topic

This command is available only for logged in operators or users with operating permission and is used to set and change the chat room topic, this could also be done from the web settings by the room creator.

/topic <message>

/topic Hello everyone welcome to my room
20. /msg

This command is used to send private message to a specific user that only he can see, if the user is responsive a new tab will be opened for further chatting.

/msg <nickname> <message>

/msg abuser94 Hi dude, how are you?
21. /ignore

This command is used to ignore a specific user, this will cause messages from this users not to appear on the chat room window or private chat tab, this could be done also from the chat room GUI.

/ignore <nickname>

/ignore abuser94
22. /unignore

This command is used to unignore a specific user, for this command you will need to use /whois command in order to know the UID for the username you want to unignore, this could be done also from the chat room GUI.

/unignore <uid>

23. /unignoreall

This command is used to unignore all the users you have chosen to ignore, this will clear the list of ignored users and will allow them to contact you and to their messages to appear on the main chat window.

24. /ignorelist

This command is used to show an output of all the users that you are ignoring from.

25. /notify

This command is used to trigger ON or OFF the green chat room notifications such as: connection of a new users, disconnection of user, etc...

/notify <on | off>

/notify on
/notify off

26. /clear

This command is used to clear the screen buffer from all text messages in the chat room window, this command will work specifically where you type it (either on the main chat room window or private chat tab)

27. /mm

This command is used to write a micro message (limited to 48 chars) about yourself that any user in the chat room could see using the /whois command

/mm <message>

/mm 26F London
/mm Working on my new music!